Tuesday, 16 June 2015

The Objective Objective

My main qualm with the news (I was going to say 'today', but it has always been the case) is that it is not in any way impartial. It's impossible to be. Opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one. Unfortunately most people today, and in particular those granted any authority, speak out of their arseholes as they parrot what they are told to think by the echelon of authority directly above them. It seems common sense has long departed the psyche of the modern society and in its place stands a strict and sometimes hilariously ridiculous nanny state.

'Political Correctness' seems to have ingrained itself well and truly within not only the state and its civil servants, but also the media which most of the public look up to for direction and information. Everything in the Western world has been corrupted and taken over by a permeating force of deception. Now, when I say political correctness I do not necessarily mean the outright state and media support of minorities and special interest groups like feminism and the pro-gay brigade. Although that is certainly one aspect of it.

Political correctness is exactly what it says on the tin. Political. We are so used to the term that we forget exactly why such wording must have been coined in the first place. It is, essentially, a set of philosophical and legalese rubbish that has been forced upon the population. The multitudes of left-wing fanatics don't realise that (to borrow a popular term) they are useful idiots. Generally they protest and campaign for the very thing which Governments in fact want to bring in because it ultimately will hurt traditional values and make the public more dependent on the state.

But lets not get ahead of ourselves though. News outlets, like Politics, play a very clever game. People on both the left and the right both believe that there is a bias against their particular persuasion but for different reasons. If you are on the left, you see blatant attacks on those reliant on benefits and so on as an affront to your beliefs. If you're on the right, you see the constant defence of immigration and multiculturalism as an outright bias. Between the two, you have this game of divide and rule among'st the middle and working classes when in actual fact there are many points that they could come together on. Things like how banking actually works for example has a huge overlap of interest between the left and the right. These are unsurprisingly the things which rarely get brought up, nor will we ever get a say on (mainly because the international banks now overwhelmingly own both the media and politics.)

When it comes to the media, they do a fantastic job of setting up newspapers that fit a niche. If you take the UK as an example, The Express serves UKIP or Eurosceptics. The Daily Mail serves the Tory reader whilst The Mirror traditionally backs Labour. All three can't really be trusted to ever do a true piece of investigative reporting, but obviously what they write and how they write it is done in such a way that it can be marketed to a certain group in society. You only have to look at The Sun newspaper in the last election to know that they couldn't give a toss about morals. In England they backed the Tories whilst simultaneously backing the SNP across the border in Scotland in the Scottish version of the same paper. Divide and conquer tactics.

So rather than gaining insight or educating themselves, the public in actual fact self-indoctrinate by reading and re-reading beliefs and opinions which they already hold. 

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not going to bullshit here and say that this blog is going to be the impartial elixir of truth. Like I said at the start of this post, opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one. Its fairly impossible for the writers own angle from not being apparent in anything that gets written, even when someone does try and write unbiased articles. When newspapers are owned by massive corporations though, that's when you really have to be concerned, and this is probably why blogs such as this have become such a phenomenon. I think the difference with me and this blog is that I don't tend to block myself away in one particular view point. I'm certainly not left, I'm not particularly right-wing either, but I do hate the status quo and the way in which society is currently heading. Its that same old maxim of being stuck between a rock and a hard place, which is probably why so many lose interest in the important issues.

In the past I've campaigned with and supported far-left organisations, I've also supported far-right ones too as I've tried in vain to find a place in the political spectrum. I've never really found one. As paradoxical as it may sound though, I think the experiences its taught me have been invaluable. Rather than stuck arguing the same point over and over, I've been receptive to new information and that has enabled me to gain and process more information. 

Am I going to say that I'm the best read-up person? No. Far from it. Do I get everything right? No. The reason why I'm writing this blog is because over the past I have got enough things right through prediction and so on that I feel I may have something to add to the grand sum of all knowledge. If I educate a few people along the way then that is brilliant and all I'm here to do.

So as the title suggests, my objective is to be objective, I just know it's unobtainable because truth is.. well, its perceived. Its never truly realised by anyone.

So over the coming months and hopefully years, if you think I've said something wrong, tell me. I welcome debate here and if you like what you read here, please remember to share! 


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